Sunday, 11 September 2011

A Rule of 5 or 6?

So what have I learned this week? I’ve learnt making 65,000 calls to an ex in a 12 month period is officially classed as stalking – no shit? Really?  Lets put this into perspective – that’s 178 calls a day, that’s 7 calls an hour (if she’s an insomniac) or 11 calls an hour (if she sleeps for 8 hours a night). Surely after the first few thousand you would get the message? I need to google her ex to see if he was worth it, will let you know what I find!.

I then went on to read an article from a bloke about internet dating, he complained that women have too much of a checklist and can not look past it to allow themselves to meet Mr Right and be happy. Up to this point I was giving him the benefit of the doubt – ok may be he’s right.

He then went on to say that we should go on a date with every man who asks us whether we feel we will be a good match or not (really?, because by my calculations this would mean I’d be on a date from hell pretty much every night until one day I disappeared and my body is found in several pieces a month later) Like seriously are you insane????

Wait there’s more pearls of wisdom here, he went on to say we should have a minimum of 6 dates with a man before reaching a decision on whether we should see him again – so let me get this straight, I am to agree to a date with someone I don’t fancy or not sure about and then see them a further 5 times before telling them they’re not my type? Isn’t that like leading them on? Like just a tiny bit?

The only valid bit of insight he gave me was that men and women view dating in different ways. After 2 – 3 dates a women will be starting to form an idea of a relationship with her man and taking him into consideration when making plans (be them for a few months down the line – ie he can come to my mates wedding, Christmas party etc). Whereas a man will have 5 – 6 dates and class this as dipping their toes into relationship waters. (These are the men who just as you think all is going well go cold on you and start to back off –  Steve being case in point – and I really liked him too!).

With this in mind I’m thinking of recalculating the number of dates I have with any given man before becoming intimate to coincide with this? Up until recently I had a minimum 4 date rule (minimum people – not on the 4th date I will shag you!). Ultimately the rules are negotiable and it depends entirely on how comfortable you are together, or you’ve had a few glasses of wine and he’s fit and he’s there!

Ps- if a man accuses you of being a sex addict its because he can’t keep up with you and this is how he justifies it to himself – so be kind. (I asked John what his purpose was in life if it wasn’t to shag me?! At which point he replied “bloody 30 year olds” Lol!)

Today I spoke to a friend who agreed to a blind date with someone she had given her number to a couple of years ago, she couldn’t remember what he looked like but after a few weeks of texting decided to meet up with him. Now something that I have learnt through personal experience is that this type of encounter will undoubtedly end in disappointment (not always as there are always exceptions to the rule) but the whole time you are communicating, be it texts, emails or phone calls you are building up a mental image of this person (even with profile pictures you won’t know what they actually look like or if there will be any attraction until you meet them). The high expectations are bound to be a disappointment. (For example I know if gym man ever asked me out on a date he could never in a million years live up to the expectations I have built up about him over the last 3 years – would I therefore turn him down? Mmmmmmmn not sure!!)

I’ve just finished reading “Belle De Jours guide to men”. She has a rule of 3 – within 3 contacts (email/text/call) you need to secure the date or move on. (The internet dating scene never sleeps). I think this is a bit harsh and actually 3 emails isn’t going to be enough for me to establish whether you’re likely to be a serial killer or not. I think may be 5 or 6 contacts?

It is advisable that one of these is on the telephone as you can learn more about a person with ten minutes on a phone call then several weeks of ping pong emails. The exception being men who aren’t comfortable talking on the phone. Incidently I’ve dated all of these, the ones who hate phone calls (and you can hear the edginess in their voice because they want to put the phone down as quickly as possible – no they weren’t married), and the ones who hate texting  (too fumbly for my fingers!). None of this however stopped me from having a relationship with them. So 5 or 6 seems to be the running theme here.

Also I’ve changed my attitude towards dating in the last couple of weeks, I’m being more assertive, if you want to date me (and I believe I’m worth a date) you’re going to have to make an effort. To any man who thinks for one minute a women should have to travel for an hour and a half or two hours to meet up for a first date is delusional. Not gonna happen, I don’t care if you’re Brad Pitt, you meet me half way or not at all. (That’s 2 men I’ve discounted over the last month).

So I’m still single but pretty sure I’m better off, if they’re that selfish now its unlikely to improve with time! Back to the drawing board! Will keep you updated as always!

Thanks for reading J xx


  1. Excellent as always hun x mate I know after the first 5 minutes if it's the one liked to have a relationship. Fuck me 5 or 6 dates god I would be suicidal. One I went on date with smelt of sardines, the other did shag had the smallest penis was like a little mushroom, he had put it in I did not realise said to him is it in yet. Poor sod but it's true size does bloody matter. Xxx
    (LP 11/09/11)

  2. Love it! xx (SW 13/09/11)

  3. Can't stop reading this blog. Well done, Nosh! You have a natural warm amusing voice. You should write a book about internet dating.

  4. Had a good read of your blog last night. Very entertaining but can you answer me this? Why do women hit a certain age and then become relentless about finding this one bloke? Have you given up on fate and are now taking matters into your own hands? I'm sure it hasn't always been this way. I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen to blokes (unless they are an only child and are under pressure from their mum to have kids).

    (JF 14/09/11)

  5. I can't speak for all women but for me personally, I'm happy with my life but I miss male company - my last proper long term relationship was 4 years ago, I've dated a few men since but nothing substantial. I'm worried I'm going to get too used to it! There are some things you can only do as a single person - eating heinz spagetti straight out of the tin for dinner last night cos I couldn't be bothered to cook, being one! lol.

    I'm v fussy and I'm looking for my equal, I'm not looking for someone I can mold into the perfect man. Unfortunately men in their 30's are either single for a reason, or have been totally f*cked up by a past relationship.

    Fate? I'm 36 for crying out loud and in true sex & the city style - where the hell is he????

    In this day and age it can't happen like that, I work 2 jobs, i have a social life and the gym. Men are just as busy, how else do you meet people? (It is probably different in London but you are forgetting I'm in Crawley!)

    Also you're wrong I know men who feel the same way when they hit their mid 30's. Actually I know lots of women who are panicked at 25 cos they haven't met anyone - now thats sad.

    Did I answer your question?

  6. lol, I think that just about covers it. That's funny coz I was saying the other day how people in their 30's are single for a reason. Which then got me thinking 'what's wrong with me?'. I got over it though. I reckon it's those couples who plant these ideas by appearing happy as they do things together. Maybe I'll feel differently in December when I hit the mid-thirties point but until then I'm happy being single. The main thing is having good friends and getting laid once in a while. What's not to like? No arguing and I do what I like (within legal boundaries).

    At least you're sociable and go to the gym and are not sitting at home eating cream cakes. I'm sure someone will come up. Besides you've got another 4 years before people start to think something is REALLY wrong with you :)


  7. Lol, I think you'll find we are a dying breed (single, happy 30 somethings) I'm pretty sure there are challenges in every type of relationship and you can be happy most of the time but only with the right person.

    Has been a pleasure, any further questions are more than welcome!

  8. Hello Sweetie, nice to hear from you, and just had a good giggle reading your blog, you are just too funny - I feel a book in the making. Hope to see you soon.

