Saturday, 17 September 2011

Engagement rings, firemen and mens t-shirts

I had mixed emotions last weekend after finding my engagement ring which I lost over 10 years ago.

Before moving into my house I turned my flat upside down to try to find my ring because I knew once I’d moved it would be lost forever, so can someone please explain to me how ten years later, its right there in a jewellery box (which incidentally I have looked in several times since I’ve moved) looking at me like why am I in here? Or more importantly why haven’t you replaced me yet??? Lol!

After a frantic search through old photos to confirm this was the same ring and that I wasn’t losing my mind, I did the only logical thing………………. I sat there with it on my finger looking at the diamonds twinkle in the light. I have to say it is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen and so it should be as I was the one who picked it, at the time it took me ages to find because it was meant to be for life.

I remember the day we went and bought it, as I got in the car with the ring firmly on my finger and a huge smile on my face I told my ex there was nothing he could ever do to take that moment away from me, turns out I was wrong, apparently I hadn’t taken into consideration him shagging someone else 2 months later – we had been together for 7 years.

So that was a lesson learned, if you’re happy, keep your mouth shut before you jinx things! Lol! Any way I think it deserves to be worn so I’m planning on selling it so it brings someone else happiness (and me a holiday!)

So my week started with me showing up to work in an engagement ring (so I could get it valued at lunchtime) and also to wind my work colleague up pretending I’d met a bloke on a first date Friday night and he had proposed Sunday! (Well you know it could happen?!!) after about an hour I was starting to feel a bit sick and I felt quite restricted by it? (made me wonder if I’m subconsciously a commitment phobic - may be thats why I attract the same in the men I meet?)

Tuesday morning our work fire alarm went off first thing  – twice! I reckon the second time round someone did it deliberately because there weren’t any fireman the first time round? (Who would do a thing like that?!)

We share a building with another company and I got a peculiar look from a bloke from upstairs because I started cheering (and clapping) as the firemen drew up. (I wasn’t the only one, though if I’m honest I probably started it)  That was nothing compared to the looks I got as I got my phone out and took a couple of pics, they were very obliging, I gave them the thumbs up to thank them and asked the lady standing next to me to close her mouth. Hee hee.

Wednesday lunch time I walked past a bloke wearing a Porsche t-shirt which made me giggle and got me to thinking why it is that men feel the need to wear shirts with fake symbols on? First of all he couldn’t possibly fit into a Porsche for purely logistically reasons (he was a rather large bloke, looked 10 months pregnant – ie all up front not all over) and secondly if he owned one he wouldn’t feel the need to wear the t-shirt? In true Carrie Bradshaw style I couldn’t help but wonder “could I date a man who wears a shirt like that?” and if so would I let him out of the house wearing it? or more importantly would I walk down the street with him?

Then I thought about other shirts men wear, superman (really popular on ebay!) Thundercats? (I’ll put money on the fact that it’s for men in their 30’s reliving their childhood). Spiderman (Saw a nice pink one – for men – don’t even get me started). Two of my favourites were “I speak 2 languages, utter shyte and complete bollox” (I bet a women designed that one) and “Eat, sleep, COD” (designed by a man, if a women had designed it would say “and obviously single” on the back!)

I also came across  a pic of one of my ex’s on fb wearing animal (from the muppet fame) boxers, believe me if there was ever a case for  prosecution under the trade descriptions act this was it (been there and I tell ya he was no animal! lol) Why oh why do you do it???

Moving swiftly on……….

Thursday got to catch up with my bestie who’s just got back from 2 weeks in Kenya teaching underprivileged children English & maths (I sooo want to do that), though from the photos it looked like she had a lot of fun checking out the animals, drinking, flirting and eating cake! (want to do that too!) I won’t judge, I’m just jealous!

On the dating side it has been a quiet week so far, have been too busy to go online, (making the blog live and joining twitter) I think the highlight was the email from a man telling me I was cute with  a picture of his incredibly toned black ass! The fact that his username was King Dong had me in hysterics. I haven’t responded – I wouldn’t know where to start? Is he expecting a pic of my boobs in return???

So all in all not a bad week, made the blog live Tuesday evening and it took my ex less than 24 hours to find it and read it! Lol! OMG – too funny! Have to give it to him he took my comments in his stride! (I wonder if the others would feel the same?). Here’s hoping we never find out!

Always a pleasure!
Thanks for reading :) xx 


  1. Another fantastic blogg! I got to thinking about what underwear I wear I still have days of the week! Lol (LP)

  2. "Wonderful job on the blog. Can't believe u found the ring after so many years."

  3. Loved it!! Looking forward to buying the book!! Xx (SW)
