Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Childhood Memories - (09/08/11)

It’s been a couple of weeks since the last blog, and I’ve spent a lot of time with my friend who is visiting from the States.

It has been educational, not just from the American vocabulary that is spilt in with the British, her kids running around in my yard (garden) playing and eating candy (sweets). She uses the word garbage instead of rubbish and fall instead of autumn. To learning asian phrases that I didn’t know existed such as fobs? (It’s not my fault, I’ve been out of the loop for a while!)

Over the weeks her British accent has fought against the American and she’s kinda “Crawley” again! Lol!

Being one of my closest childhood friends, and growing up in pretty much the same street she knows things about me nobody else does or ever will! She witnessed my childhood, she saw what my life was like, I don’t ever have to explain this to her and that is a remarkable bond.

I have fond memories of playing “hit the kerb” in Jordans Cres at a time when there weren’t so many cars on the road or parked along the street and when children could play in the road outside their house and still be safe. The joys of hitting maximum points by throwing the ball backwards, smacking the kerb, spinning around and catching the ball was better then a slam dunk in basketball and I was damn good at it!!

The not so fond memories of playing cricket in my cousin's driveway and catching a wasp instead of the ball – god the tears that followed! Strange how some things just stick in your mind (trauma obviously being one of them).

“Spot” the damn dog that would periodically escape from its back garden and chase us screaming down the street nipping at our heels, (apart from my cousin who for some unknown reason he didn’t chase?, may be its because she didn’t run!) My short lived joy of out smarting him by running into a neighbour’s back garden and jumping into a gap between the garage and the wall where Spot couldn’t reach me only to realise I was then trapped until he gave up and went after someone else!

Then we were all separated as I was packed off  to a different secondary school from all my friends by my sister who was attempting to get me away from what she classed as a “bad” crowd (the Asians! Lol) unaware that the only “bad” person in my life was her. I moved in different circles, I made new friends, I studied hard and I did well. May be my sister was right in sending me to the “better” school even if it was for the wrong reasons.

We all reunited at college and I met several others! People who to this day are very dear to me. It was still her who was with me on the day I got hit and knocked unconscious by a white van just weeks before my 18th birthday. She was the one who ran for help – I still have no recollection past stepping out in front of the van and being on the floor and hearing someone telling me not to move!!

She was there through some of my college years – the ones where we bunked off and went to Chessingtons or gate crashed parties at Universities we didn’t attend and the day time clubbing at nightclub’s that held special events for asian people playing the best in RnB, Hip hop and bhangra music! Hammersmith Palais ruled! (Wasn’t that where I met that really hot Sikh bloke who to this day has to be the best snog I ever had?! Sorry I’m digressing a bit!).

Anyway then she shamelessly married an American and emigrated to the US nearly 14 years ago. Not before introducing us to the wonderful world of strippers who stripped (shock horror) all the way at her hen do! Funniest thing ever! They also included a future X Factor contestant who shall remain anonymous but yes mate we saw your penis years ago! I still have a picture of it somewhere! Lol!

Over time she has settled into married life, had 2 beautiful children and built a life abroad. She’s only ever in the UK every 2 to 3 years and we all make an effort to see her as much as possible in the few weeks she is here. Even though I feel much closer to her through the mighty powers of Facebook, I know I’m going to get very emotional when she leaves tomorrow as she takes a part of my past with her.

I have to say I have had a real laugh while she’s been here, she’s the catalyst that brings the rest of us together who through normal day stresses of life are too busy to meet up.. I’ve laughed myself to tears on more than one occasion partly due to cousin who despite the hardships she’s endured is still the funniest and most entertaining person I know. Love you bird (no I’m not drunk!).

So I’d like to dedicate this blog to my childhood and the people who enriched it (you know who you are), you will always be a part of my history and hopefully a part of a long and happy future.

I look forward to all the adventures that lie ahead – I promise to make an effort to meet the right man (I can only but try!) and if I don’t get married first we are soooo doing Vegas for my 40th – best start saving up ladies!

Love to you all. Thank you for reading.


  1. Aww, this is really lovely Nosh, lovely pics and memories, SP is a real nice person, i was always fond of her too :-)) (AM 09/08/11)

  2. Thank you for sharing your early years with us. I never knew you were hit by a car. You poor thing. I thought your blog was very good. Look forward to the next one. (SW 12/08/11)

  3. That was so touching you made me cry. You are such a wonderful and inspirational friend and I hope you know you hold a special place in my heart (No! i am not a lesbian lol). Lets hope we all have many more memories to share like this when we are old grannies. Miss u hun already. xx (SP 12/08/11)

  4. You made me cry..lol love you too hun. X (NS - 12/08/11)

  5. Oh my God Nosh.....that was a real eye opener!!!.... I knew a bit about your childhood years but reading that was very interesting and emotional.

    I really admire and respect you for being so strong through thick and thin!!! You are an INSPIRATIONAL woman!!!!

    We must try to keep in touch more often!!!

    I look forward to reading your stories and continuing to be inspired. Lots of love xxxxxx (HS - 12/08/11)

  6. Saving for Vegas xxx (SW - 12/08/11)

  7. Ditto Vegas baby! Xx I'm thinking hangover 3 lol x (LP - 12/08/11)

  8. I was thinking more Sex & the City? but you're right with you and possibly "Dangerous" I think it would be defo more like Hangover 3!! Vegas better watch out! Thank you for all your lovely messages! Love you too Nosh :) xx

  9. Wow can only dream of going to Vegas!!!!.... OMG!!! how much fun we could have and how long it would take you to right a blog about that trip!!! :-D .... I will do my very best to save all my spare pennies Tom :-)xx (SG - 12/08/11)

  10. Got a few years hun, we're all in it together! PS - wot happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas! lol! Nosh :) xx
